Monday, November 24, 2014

Running Out of Ideas Pt.3 Bicycles vs. Armored Cars

Running out of Ideas still, so if you have an idea that you'd like to share, zombie-related of course, then odds are it'll be made into the next blog post, with that out of the way, LET'S DO THIS!!!
I know it has nothing to do with the title, but why not? Now onto what I actually going to talk about. My English teacher would kill me for saying that. Anyways, when it comes to the apocalypse, what is the best method of transportation in the zombie apocalypse? Bicycles or Armored Cars?
Well, it really depends, but in most situations, a mountain bike would be your best bet in the zombie apocalypse. Now as stupid as it may seem, I can refute almost any vehicle out there to be effective, because let's face it, any vehicle is not of safe bet, but cars are more reliable than tanks, just saying.
But seriously, let's break this contest down into broad subjects. You can get anything that runs on gas off the table immediately, no matter how much fossil fuels you stockpile, It's. Going. To. Run. Out.Especially planes because let's face it, in a world where the dead get up and kill the living, landing zones are few and far between, not to mention that finding a pilot would take forever, unless you a pilot in the first place, then good luck, because your going to have to abandon a lot of your neighbors, friends and family. Now then there's the question of electric vehicles, well that just as simple as fossil fuels, eventually power will stop following through cities as the grids go down one by one or get shut of immediately. So what's that leave you with, well either you can navigate the sea like a ancient Greek or your riding a bike, running on foot, using a skateboard or scooter, or you can somehow find a place to roller-blade, and maybe Alaskan Sled Dogs, if you can actually continuously fed them or else there is going to be some hard good-byes, or there's going to be zombie dogs... That might sting a bit.

 So out of all the remaining methods of transportation, a mountain bike would be your best bet. They are literally meant to go over chunks of whatever it may be and the only tools you would need is what's necessary to change a bike tube along with extra tubes and a tire pump, materials you should get fairly easily considering most people would not think of looting a bike store when the apocalypse hits. Obviously there is the drawback of bent wheels and frames and lack of protection, but where something protective and get good at maneuvering before the apocalypse hits and you might be surprised how long you'll last, assuming you're not me or end up like this...
That's all for now...
ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Running Out Of Ideas Pt 2: Jedi Mind Tricks On Zombies

Yep, once again I'm running out of ideas,

So I looked at this and went, could Jedi mind tricks work on zombies? Well, since I know it the best out of the rest, let's refer this to the The Walking Dead universe where the brain stem reanimates. Now it really depends on how the Jedi mind trick works. As taken from Wookiepedia, "A mind trick was the use of the Force to alter a target's perceptions or to plant a suggestion in their mind. It usually worked on the weak-minded. There were some species that were particularly resistant to mind tricks, such as Hutts, Toydarians, and Dashade. Examples of mind tricks included persuading another person to do something they would find unpalatable, creating a sensation of fear in a person, or causing them to see or hear things that were not there, including illusions." 
Which basically means that it all depends then on what part of the brain the Jedi mind trick uses. As revealed in S1: E2 of The Walking Dead, "Guts", zombie do rely on smell, hearing, and possibly sight to determine where to go, so it's not out of the question that the Jedi could potentially create the illusion of them not being in the room with the zombie. But seriously, if you had the force, why waste your time with mind tricks, except for on people, when you could play the funnest game of bowling ever. Just think of what you could do with all that power, especially if you had Sith Lightning, just fry all their heads. Or even if you just had a lightsaber, on second thought, no, a swords bad enough, but accidentally  tap yourself with that thing and there goes your whatever. 
Well, lets just hope you know what you're doing with that thing. So long story short, if you had the force and you wanted to get zombies to try and eat each other, you can do that! 
   That's all for now...
   (._.) ~ ︵ ┻━┻

Monday, November 17, 2014


Sorry about that...
   That's All For Now...
   ノ┬───────┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\

Friday, November 14, 2014

Running Out of Ideas Pt.1- Vampires vs. Zombies

So I'm really running out of ideas here, so why not do something even more obscure than everything else? What say Vampires vs. Zombies, who would win, well it depends on which series you read, but in practically every popular vampire series out there, the vampires would win by a long shot considering they have super strength and speed. In fact there only disadvantage a vampire would have and that's sunlight. This is excluding the vampires from "The Strain." The Strain is a book trilogy in which the vampires are destroyed by sunlight, weakened by silver, and cannot cross running water without permission from a human. It has also been turned into a TV show on FX, and just recently finished it's first season. On this show, when vampires start out, they are slow moving but have a six-foot "stinger" that shoots out of their mouth and infects other's with parasitic worms, but after a month  they are fully fledged and actually have some intelligence. The strongest of them all though, are those who are turned into a vampire by one of the seven original vampires, these kind are super strong and really fast, but not fully immune to sunlight. And the originals themselves are practically impossible to kill with traditional methods. In this world though, the outcome of a vampire/zombie war would all depend on one thing, us. If the vampire apocalypse and zombie apocalypse were to happen at the same time, one in the western hemisphere and another in the eastern, the zombies would take over their world slowly, but probably not be affected by "The Strain" vampires until some one allows them to cross running water. In the end, the zombies would eventually cover the globe in search for humans only to find a ton of vampires. Not to mention "The Strain"'s vampire immortality would cause them to out live zombies. But the most decisive part of the war would be, do zombies crave vampires? And can vampires infect zombies? Well, if zombies craved vampires, the fresh vampires would die, and if they turned, they would be a much stronger undead member. I'm guessing that a vampire in "The Strain" universe could probably not infect a zombie, being that they're not human. In all, the odds of the vampires beating the zombies in the apocalypse is the same odds as the humans betting zombies. At least based on "The Strain" universe.
   That's all for now...
   Table flips me...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Electricity: Does It Work?

   This questions are hard one to answer if you consider the fact that it all depends on how the zombified body works. But it would make sense for electricity to be able to immobilize and kill zombies just like humans. When comes to zombies they have to move some how and since it is rarely hinted to be a complete metamorphosis of some kind when they turn, it would only make sense that they still operate on nerve impulses. Say if you were take for example on of my favorite zombie series, "The Walking Dead", it is revealed that when a person dies, the brain stem reanimates which means the nerves have to work. So I can be fairly certain to say that electricity could destroy whatever is left of their nerves and brain leading to a much easier way to destroy the zombie body than a bludgeon or a knife or a gun or even fire would, well at least for "The Walking Dead" but in other universes possibly not.
   That's all for now...
   ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Groups vs. Lone Wolves

     So, let's say the zombie apocalypse happens, everyone is panicking, and looting, and dying. Well, you can choose to remain by yourself, or stay with a group of others. Safety in numbers right? Well, not quite. The problem with the dead rising is that it only takes two idiots to turn an entire group of survivors into drunken looking idiots that want your flesh. One idiot has to die, then the other has to not shot him/her because they were friends or related, then the process continues until some one has enough brains to run for their lives. But, a group can offer less work and more weapons and carrying capacity for supplies, but the leaders of the zombie apocalypse are not your best bet. Take for example, The Governor from The Walking Dead, or Negan (also from The Walking Dead but only so far only in the comics.) Some times the man/woman your following is a raging sociopath, or a sadistic monster. But is a lone wolf really that much better? If your on your own with a zombie horde behind you, would the company of yourself be enough? The biggest problem of remaining a lone wolf is the fact that you would have to remain alone, with no one to talk to, not  to mention you need to have the skill to avoid or kill any one who would want to take something from you. One against even just two is never good odds. Although being in a group is dangerous in it's own right, being a lone wolf could destroy you more mentally than a zombie could do physically.
   That's all for now...
   ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\    

Monday, November 3, 2014


Fire, it's one of the most powerful of tools, said to be one of the first one's made created, and probably the deadliest. I got the idea for this post from a previously posted comment about whether or not fire would be a useful tool for the apocalypse. Well, it's all about where you use it. When combating the dead, it's best to not use fire in practically every situation. When you're indoors, when there's a ton of them or when other people are around. The thing about zombies is that they won't feel pain, so fire will destroy them eventually, eventually, but unlike a human that will stop, drop, and roll, or just run around screaming, the dead will just keep on heading straight towards you, now just on fire. After a while though, they will stop, but not before catching the neighborhood/the trees/you/anything flammable on fire. But in fields and other large open areas, fire would work great against a zombie horde, and you could make it out alive if you could run away fast enough from the undead and even worse, the potentially fast-spreading burning dry grass. Word of advice though, don't use lighter fluid in a hurry, that's a great way to send yourself up in smoke.
   That's all for now...
   ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\