Friday, January 30, 2015

Expansion, Also, A Litlle Help Here?

I know I said this was a bog about zombies, but it is called everything dead, which include zombies,  vampires, ghosts, possessed animatronics controlled by children, and the occasional dead character cloned back to life, (which isn't exactly rebirth) and Frankenstein's Monster. (Much probably wont be said about him, also, sorry werewolves, you're not technically dead without getting into hybrids)
That being said, i'd also like a little help with ideas for blog posts, so any ideas you may have (Dead Related) then post in  the comments and i'll most likely turn it into a post. 
   That's All For Now...
   Table Flips Me...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Running Out Of Ideas Pt. 7- Zombies Without Human Hosts

   Hello Everyone, Morbidly Deceased here!
     As odd as it sounds, I was trying to figure out another post when I got to thinking, what would happen if instead of zombie being human hosts only, what would it be like if everything else could become a zombie except for humans? Well long story short, there go your odds of survival by a long shot.

    Let start with the necessities of what I didn't talk about in my zombie animals post. Lets start with water, well good luck with that when the filtration plants and dams break after lack of care. So how about rivers stream and lakes and need be oceans, well lets face it, if animals are zombies, then they're going to pollute anything they walk into, and if you didn't bring any kind of chlorine tablets to treat it, prepare for one heck of a fever. Next up there's the food situation, when canned goods run out, it time to hunt other creatures, which would be fine if they weren't also undead. Worse comes to Worst, you have to east humans for the mere fact that they cant be infected. Then on to the worst part of zombies being anything but human, zombie bugs that either feed of another zombie when they were young or bit another zombie. The last thing you need is zombie mosquitos. Bring bug repellent your gonna get eaten alive by a ton of little mouths. Being that you cant turn into a zombie and not have to deal with the pain.

     Although the ocean might be your best bet when you consider that even if zombie could breathe underwater, they would still be crushed high pressure if they go to deep. And I'm pretty sure a zombie fish couldn't move quick enough to stay buoyant or bite anything after their internal gases escape their bodies. So at least zombie sharks wont be a problem.

  That's All For Now...
  ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\

Friday, January 16, 2015

Running Out of Ideas Pt. 6: The Reality Of The Apocalypse Redux

Happy New Year Everyone! I do have some plans for the blog this year, but I figured I'd start out with correcting what I have said before. In case you haven't read the post I'm referring to, please check out "The Reality Of The Apocalypse" then come back here. In he post listed, I wrote off the zombie apocalypse as a series of  approximately year-long periodical outbreaks if zombies still broke down like human corpses, but I never considered what the apocalypse would be likeif there was something keeping the undead preserved. Say if it was the case that a zombie had the average human life span if it wasn't ever shot or constantly rubbing up against other objects, then the apocalypse would potentially last 70 years after all of human has either been turned or are in a place where no zombie can detect them (I'm going as crazy a I want here, the place just has to be hidden from all five senses and has to be self-sufficient) The reason I say 70  years is because I'm just going to assume that one zombie in the world will be stuck somewhere and have stopped trying to move. But before I go any further, I need to set down some sort of ground work for what characteristics a zombie has or else you'll be reading this all day.
So, if you read my last post, then you'll know what I mean when I say that they aren't technically zombies because they don't transmit a virus, instead they transmit a parasite that has adults that act as extra nerve cells, offspring that spread the infection via tooth an nail of the host, and the fully grown parasite that acts as the zombie brain. If is was a scenario like this where my zombie's were the ones invading the world, then if there was no mutations or evolutions as it makes its way around the world, then the apocalypse would only last as long as the hosts, if the parasites can live outside their hosts, which they should if you consider the fact that their host wouldn't offer protection after a while.  So with a still decaying body, the apocalypse would stop being zombies after a few weeks and instead become walking strands and piles of parasites wrapped around bones. So it would become some sort of evolved version of a skeleton. Then, when the bones decay, the parasite would be a pile of strung together parasites, struggling to make it's way towards a human. I feel like that may be potentially worse than the zombie animal apocalypse. But then again, zombie bugs, that would be horrible.
   That's All For Now...
   ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Running Out Of Ideas Pt. 5: My Take On Zombies

Hello Everyone, just to let you know, the reason I doing this post is as a set-up for the next one where I consider a different alternative for the reality of the apocalypse. The thing about zombies is that there's so many different version of them that's it's hard to make sweeping statements which is often why I refer to series I know like The Walking Dead and books I've read that actually explain the zombies in them. So coming up with a set of zombies to use is a difficult one. So that's why I'm planning on doing my own take on zombies. So I'm still keeping the essentials of zombies, like the reanimated corpse, its needs to consume humanity, and its virus origin. So why would a reanimated corpse have a craving for human flesh? Well you can assume a lot of things, but what i'm going to go with is something slightly different than zombies, how about its not a virus, but instead a parasite that takes over the host's brain killing them in the process when they then gain control of the body and it's brain and proceed to control it. All the while replicating itself so that when it bites another, the offspring spread. Since i'm rewriting everything here, lets say this, the adolescent form of the parasite spreads anywhere it can especially around the teeth and fingers. This parasite in its adult form, feeds of the human brain then acts as extra nerve cells and gains control of the hosts body as well as it can, thus the shambling, but how to explain the brain being the necessary organ? Lets take a page out of the Xenomorphs and say that when a parasite grown for a certain amount of time it becomes smarter than the rest, and becomes the final step of zombie-fication. But what about the original cells? Well, lets just assume in this version the human cells are supported by the patchwork system of the zombie parasites, until both the lungs or the heart stop functioning and can't be fixed by being clogged by parasites, then the cells will start to die off. I could get more in depth on other cells of the bodies if I'm requested to but with my take out of the way I can now consider a different outcome of the apocalypse.
   That's all for now...
   Table Flips Me