Friday, August 28, 2015

The Reality Of The Apocalypse - Yes I'm Doing This Again!

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
So, two weeks ago, i said i was going to explain why the apocalyptic future is a horrible place to be, as if there was really any need to explain that...

1. Always Running Low, Or Running Away...
Simple thing about the apocalypse, no renewable resources anymore, that meat from the store, gone in a week, that internet you enjoy, that's gone too, and those showers you enjoy, those are gone too, i hope you like bathing in lakes and rivers. As for your fellow man, yeah, they're all trying to eat you kill you, or steal from you. That fantasy of being a hero of the wastes isn't as easy as it sounds, maybe when humanity gotten back on its knees you have a chance. Until the good luck...

2. A Harder Life
You will never have enough food, enough sleep, or enough ammo. It's that simple, unless you stumble upon a huge safe haven, not a government run one, those usually drop like flies, but a real safe haven, you will always be hunger, tired, and most likely fearing for your life. You will have to either learn to hunt, or learn to steal. Well unless you live in Africa, the tribal regions, life might not change too much, but if your in America like me, you're going on some long trip, and you'll have to ban together to survive. That lone wolf ideology has no room in the apocalypse .

3. Your Neighbors, Your Hunters
Simply put, when your neighbors want to eat you, and you have to run away or kill them, AND they can only be killed by destroying their head, all I can say is good luck. I would've said more about this section, but i think i'm starting to sound pompous.

In short, your doomed, that's why it's an apocalypse, it's the end of the world.  Anyways, next week i'll be talking about the zombie video game tropes i hate, yeah, i've been waiting to talk about this...

That's All For Now...

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Take On: Fear The Walking Dead Pilot

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

Sorry, i'm a little late with this but i did say Monday or Tuesday.
The fact that this new series "Fear The Walking Dead" is instead the apocalypse as it happens unlike "The Walking Dead" which was exclusively after the outbreak, means there is so much new potential with the show, but i can't help but feel like they are saving that for the first season as a whole. While the Walking Dead's pilot did have some character development, it mainly focused on the zombies, but this show seems like right off the gate it's going to focus on the characters. I kid you not, it wasn't until the last half hour if not 15 minutes that you actually see much of the zombies. Seriously, there was only three in the first episode. But i could just be thinking about this all wrong. This is meant to be the start of the apocalypse, a slow boil is granted, but i feel like this would be more adequately described as throwing a flare into a swimming pool.

Now mind you, it did have it's moments, one character seems to get the hint that apocalypse is on it's way and tells that to his guidance counselor, one of the main characters. Then when school is let out early the next day after a strange event on the highway (in which our second zombie is finally seen and the show sets up their invulnerability) he just gives her this grim look of "I told you so" and i just loved that. Hell, when they showcased the last zombie an it gets run over twice and it's still trying to get up, that was another moment i found just great.

As for the characters, well, their trying to set up some kind of extended family that i honestly couldn't figure out completely how they were connected, but i think i'm starting to figure it out. Also, there is this interesting premise of who i think is the main character who happens to be a complete drug addict. I creates this situation in which no one believes him when he says he saw someone eating other people, and he's starting to doubt himself, it should be interesting to see where that goes in later episodes. 

Honestly, i just wished they had showcased the zombies more, because if you're going to set up the classic zombie rules, do them in the first episode or don't do them at all, either assume your audience knows these rules, or explain it to them, i don't mean flat out exposition either, one of the things this show did do well was showing without telling, except when a zombie gets shot in the head and someone yells "KILLSHOT!!" That could've been done better.

In all, it's good, it has great potential, and i just hope it achieves it by the end of this season, and that it learns from the other show's mistakes, for example, have a good season finale for more than just season one and two.

That's All For Now...

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Couple Things To Note For Season 6 Of "The Walking Dead"

I know, I know, i said I was going to the reality of the apocalypse this week, but with "Fear The Walking Dead" airing this Sunday. I figured I'd talk about what to expect for the show that's going to premiering it's sixth season in October.
By the way, major spoilers ahead, duh..

1. Tara's Death
Alright, a friend of mine and i had a debate about this, we weren't quite sure if it was Maggie or Tara who was shown about the be eaten, it took awhile, but we're pretty sure it's going to be Tara. Look at the picture above and judge for yourself, honestly, i think I'd want Maggie to live over Tara, but maybe Maggie's death would prevent Glenn from getting his face beat in by Negan, you know, fair trade, producers kill one, so they don't have to kill the other.

2. Rick and Morgan Collide
Another thing the trailer reveals, and even the posters really, show that if anything's going to happen, Rick and Morgan are going to clash, maybe not physically but ideally. The last time they met, Morgan was the one losing his mind, now Morgan probably believes Rick's gone mad, i mean, Morgan immediately sees Rick cap a guy, there's no worse reunion than that, except for maybe shooting them in the leg before they say "hi".

3. Daryl Is Left Stranded
Or something along these lines anyways. The trailer shows Daryl alone in the wilderness, in not too good a shape either. I'm just assuming he's stranded, i don't see anyone abandoning him, except for maybe that one guy that tried to kill Rick, and killed Noah, i can't remember his name, long story short, Daryl's probably going to have an episode or so devoted to himself, just like Beth... God, i really hope it doesn't end the same way.

4. The Wolves
Plain and simple they're still there, and they might be what leaves Daryl stranded, so I'm guessing Negan will have to wait a season or so began i don't see The Walking Dead tv show having 2 different antagonistic human factions at the same time.

On Monday or Tuesday I'll have a post about "Fear The Walking Dead"'s pilot, and on Friday, I'll finally get around to the reality of the apocalypse post.

That's All For Now...

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Appeal Of The Apocalypse

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
So, I've been thinking about this for a while and i'm trying to figure it all out.
Why do we like the apocalypse, or at least the idea of it?
Of course, I'm referring to the mainstream apocalypse, the zombie one. I'll talk about the other apocalypses in "Apocalypse How?"s
What's so appealing about the world ending around us because friends, family, and stranger alike want to eat our flesh?

1. No More Work:
With the world turned on it's head by the undead guess what, no more school, or work, or homework, or desk jobs. No more of the usual obligations and the monotony of it all.

2. Become A Hero/ Lead An Army:
The most common type of fantasy lying around today, (besides ones derived for The Lord Of The Rings) is the power fantasy, the idea of being the only one destined to save the world, to be the strongest or smartest person in existence, to be an ultimate badass. The apocalypse, with so few people and all of them stuck in the same horrible situation you are, most people take it as a perfect time to rise to the occasion and become the leader you always wanted to be. like i said though, other side next week.

3. Peace & Quiet:
You may be surrounded by undead freaks that may or may not moan when they see you, but hey, no more airplanes, no more cars, and no more motorcycles, well, okay, at least there's a lot less of them. Although, this could be a bad thing.

4. Getting Out Your Anger:
Assuming you actually know how to kill them, you should, it's simple, then now you have a horde of fleshy and brainless beings shambling around the streets to be the crap out of. There's a reason people play violent video games, it fun to obliterate a room full of things that clearly hate you and will kill you given the chance.

So the apocalypse might be fun, right? MIGHT, key word.
I'll talk about the flip side next week.
That's All For Now...