Friday, July 31, 2015

Apocalypse How Should This Go?

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
This is going to be rather short, you see, this week i've bounced between several ideas for Apocalypse How?'s and i have no idea what to do. So i'll leave this all to you. Below there is a list of al the apocalypse ideas i have. Please post in the comments which one you would like to see next, or if you don't want to see any, or write down any ideas you have, any ways:

  • Demons
  • Contagion
  • Religion (i.e. Judgement Day)
  • Werewolves
  • Solar
  • Nuclear Winter
  • Global Warming
  • Global Freezing
  • Alien Invasion
  • World War 3 (Without Nukes)
  • Famine
  • Kryptonian Self-Destruction
  • Zombie Werewolves
  • Multiple Universe Convergence
  • Killer Clowns
  • Parasitic Mushrooms
  • Animal Uprising
  • Sun Turns Into A Black Hole
  • Cthulhu 
Well, That's All For Now...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Top 5 Best & Worst Deaths Of The Walking Dead

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here 
After my rant last week on The Walking Dead and it's inability to kill off characters in a way that makes sense in the newer seasons, I figured I'd list which deaths I actually liked, and which deaths I could've done without. If you haven't watched up to season 5 of The Walking Dead, then, uh..., what are you doing, get back! No, THERE'S SPOILERS! OKAY, fine, but don't blame me if you hurt yourself. 
Well, now that that's out of the way, let's get started, shall we, hopefully? 
Best Death #5: Lizzie 
I guess the main reason I liked this death in any way is that it's the questions that can be brought up around it. If a little girl poses a threat to what's left of society should she be put down? What if she's killed her younger sister to prove her point that zombifying is just moving on? It seems like an obvious answer until you realize that, it's still a person, a person can change, a person can learn. And well, at this point, every human life should be sacred, for there are now few of you, and one life now means that much more. A life in the apocalypse should be just valuable as a life of a person we know or love is today. But maybe I'm thinking too much into this, and people are probably going to disagree, put I just wanted to put this out there. Anyways... 
Worst Death #5: Andrea 
Can't help but be a little disappointed that she didn't become the sharpshooter that she did in the comics, but that's the least of my problems with her. "So Morbid," you might ask, "Then why is she so low on the list?" Well, simply, I didn't care about her death too much, she could have easily broken out, but didn't. There's an alternate version where she can't escape and get's eaten by Milton, but that sounds worse actually. I wouldn't wish something that bad on her, sure, she didn't kill The Governor when she very well could've, but then again, so did a lot of people. Anyways, she does at least get bitten by Milton because spent time talking to him while he was still alive instead of, I don't know, TRYING TO ESCAPE? I would've explained her situation further, but I might need to go back 1/2 a season for that, and I really hope you've seen through season 5 if you're reading this, it not then SpOiLeRs AhEaD.!.!.!. 
Best Death #4: Joe (Biker Gang Leader) 
I was kind of waiting for this moment to happen throughout the entire scene that some of Rick's group runs into that biker gang Daryl was with before he left to find Rick. This is mainly in here because of what happened in the comics, with Rick taking a bite out of a dude's throat because that man had disarmed Rick and was holding him close so he couldn't do anything, while another man tried to get at Carl. In the show it's relatively the same, just now Daryl getting the crap beat out of him and Michonne's there too. Anyways, if only more evil characters could die like this, move along... 
Worst Death #4: The Terminus Group 
This is the only one on this list that's a group, okay? I liked their deaths so much better in the comics, this one just didn't feel like they got what they deserved. They were slaughtered so gruesomely in the comics (although you don't see it, so imagination for the win I guess) that Gabriel was horrified, although he has no room to talk. Fans of the show or comics know what I mean. It seems so common that these guys don't get what they deserve, considering they ate Bob and all, but then again, don't all the villains on these shows not die the way we want? More about that later... 
Best Death #3: Hershel 
This was a decent death, it had good tension with The Governor holding him hostage and saying that if Rick didn't give up the prison he'd have to kill them. Rick says that they can just clear out a place for them in the prison, and next thing you know, The Governor's trying to chop Hershel's head off. He gets about one swing in and then Rick and the group starts firing. Hershel tries to get away and The Governor catches up to him and finishes the job. This death was gruesome and definitely perturbed me, which is part of why I liked it so much. I thought about it more than the others, and this was a great character moment for The Governor, for one of the few times he showed his brutality, which bleeds into another death later on, and it's lack of effect. 
Worst Death #3: Tyrese 
Ugh, this death was just tiring more than anything else. I couldn't find a picture of his death at the end of the episode, so here's one of his hallucinations instead. His death was annoying, if you read the last post I wrote, you'd know why. Simply, he wasn't paying attention or at least picked the wrong time to zone out. This led to a point of mine how zombies CAN NOT SNEAK UP ON YOU. At yet one managed to sneak up on Tyrese, and after that, he just sat there, hallucinating, and then the group finally found him and cut off the bitten arm. But low and behold, he still died anyway. Moving on... 
Best Death #2: Beth 
I'm surprised she actually died twice, well not on the same show, but she gets her throat slit in one, which seemed like it was used a troll to walking dead fans, and in the walking dead she gets shot in the head after stabbing the main police officer leading the group in the hospital.  Anyways, I liked her death, at least, I liked what happened around it. The police officer in charge died, Beth had sacrificed herself for Noah's freedom (which was all for naught), and Daryl showed some more character development with his reaction to it, well anyways, ONWARD!!! 
Worst Death #2: Noah 
I would've considered this a good death mainly for the shock factor (there was an incredibly gruesome photo I could've used instead) but given its timing and who I gave second best to, his death rendered Beth's useless. What didn't get about his death was that he and Glenn were trapped on one section of a rotating glass door, and a prick whose name I can't remember on the opposite section, with the zombies pushing at another section, and the one guy was able to push himself out of the door even though two people were pushing against the door to stop him. But yet, the one guy wins and Noah somehow gets pulled into the opposite side of the door and gets ripped apart. After a horrified minute, Glenn just simply escapes, so it sucks to know that Noah probably could've been saved, so AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Oh, and that idiot from before tried to kill Glenn, and yet, Glenn let him live, which I can respect, but I don't trust that guy so, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! 
Best Death: Merle 
This guy, I hated the first season, but the first time I saw him was season 2, the first season I ever started watching. And honestly, is death in season 3 was awesome, not because he died, but how he died. After being rejected by The Governor for not killing his brother Daryl, and then was rejected by Daryl because he hadn't changed one bit. So Meryl decided that he was going to kill The Governor, and he almost did, but he missed, and he suffered because of it, The Governor killed him, but didn't prevent him from turning. Which led to a great character moment for Daryl. So you know what Meryl, you may have been a bad guy, but you redeemed yourself. 
Worst Death: The Governor 
My god this one toke forever, a season late and a severed head short. So many people could've killed this guy, and yet, nothing, and he didn't even get as good of a death as he did in the comics. At least in the comics he was shot and got shoved into a zombie horde, but on the show, he gets impaled with and sword and that's about it, he even gets put out of his misery by a member of his new group. Disappointing really, and it wouldn't have been as bad if he had just died a season earlier. Let me list who could've killed him, Meryl, Michonne, Rick, Rick's old group, Milton, Andrea, and ANYONE IN WOODBURY!! Sorry done now... 
Well, there you have it, my favorite and least favorite deaths in The Walking Dead. Next week? I don't know really, maybe I'll do an apocalypse how on demons or something. 
That's All For Now...