Friday, September 11, 2015

Apocalypse How - Attack On Titan

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

So i'm not here to explain why Attack On The Titan is good, other have people have done that, and done that better than i ever could. But to say the least, i highly recommend it. It's does a lot of things well, and i highly recommend it.

Anyways, i'm here to talk about the apocalypse behind it, because one, it's interesting, and two it's a rather unused concept. This apocalypse is about giant humanoid creatures appearing on earth and trying to destroy humanity. They cannot be starved (considering most of them haven't had a meal in 100 years at the show's opening), they can not be hacked to bits except for one weak spot, the nape of their neck, in which a chuck of flesh must be cut out, they regenerate everywhere else, (it only takes a minute or two for their head to grow back), and they are surprisingly fast and rather light for their size.

These titans also range from 3 - 60 meters tall (If you watch the show a 3m tall titan is mentioned, the chart just doesn't show it) Here's a comparison chart from the show itself:

Now mind you though, that 60m titan is one of a kind and rarely shows up, but it possesses a certain amount of intelligence that makes it incredibly dangerous, not to mention it can appear and disappear in an instant.

There are also variant titans which are faster than the rest. They can outrun a horse which might not sound impressive, but when cars are long gone in most accounts, that's pretty fast, you can't out run that, well let alone a regular titan. There's also another kind of titan i won't talk about mainly because it would a huge spoiler in the series, and that type is also not very well known.

In this series, to fight the titans, humanity has Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear, a gas canister propelled system with 2 grapples to stab into object and buildings, 8 hard-steel blade that attach to the 2 handles that are also the firing mechanism for the grapples, the suit also consists of a system of belts and straps that are used to maneuver while mid-air.

Although it's kind of up for debate as to whether or not such a system is realistic. But that's not exactly what matters, what are the odds of our world surviving this apocalypse? Not very good, slim, almost non-existent, nah, impossible. Unless we do what this series does (not the 3d gear) and build a giant wall out of stone or metal or whatever, we might have a chance, or if we decide to live on the ocean, or in the air or on one of the poles, but even so, it's a matter of getting there and hoping the titans can't swim. Actually sea living might just be it, that or blotting out the sky.  The Titans do have another weakness besides cutting off their nape, lack of sunlight. Without sunlight some titans will become sluggish and start to starve, something 100 years without eating didn't do.

But one possible weakness might also be cold temperature, Titans have an insanely high body temperature and thus are always steaming and emit a lot of heat especially when they die, so maybe, just maybe, ocean water could kill the things. I say the ocean because it's large enough to keep a relatively consistent and cold temperature, so any Titans chasing humanity into the water might die of hypothermia, assuming that their body temperature isn't so high or just simply defies the laws of nature like the way their weight does. The series creator himself Hajime Isayama even said the titans mainly attack from the south, but none from the north because it's a frozen wasteland. 

So that's your lot, either find some way the zip around quickly to chop up the titans, build a giant wall, set sail, or blot out the sun, maybe with nukes? I mean it sounds stupid but that's what most people i know would resort to, but yeah anyways, come back next Friday, my next post is on what makes zombies scary (and how most people are doing it wrong.)  

That's All For Now...

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