Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Weapon's What You Make of It

        Odds are that if you're like me, in a zombie apocalypse, you'll probably be dead before you even have a chance to kill a single one of them. Your less likely to die because the creature lurking after you is a friend or relative but instead more off you were either gung ho or stupid with your choice of weapon. Like the title states, a weapon is truly what you make of it, which can render classic weapons useless and the obscure ones powerful. When you think of a zombie killing weapon, what do you usually think of? A gun? Or a sword? Possibly a chainsaw? Well there are several problems you can run into with any weapon, mainly physical limitations. Let's start off with a gun, first of, it's noisy, and secondly, unless you've actually had fire-arms training of some sort, odds are, you're dead, not to mention the fact that guns are reduced to the usability of a rock if you're out of bullets. Now on to a sword, you run into the same problem with a sword that you do with a gun, lack of training and possibly lack of good aim. If you're dealing with a classic zombie, have fun trying to stab it in the head or trying to decapitate the thing without a couple or so swings and misses. Finally, the iconic chain-saw, in all, it's loud, it's heavy, and most of all short range, and that's not even considering the fact that you'll make a rather bloody mess all over everything if your actually able to cut through a zombie in time. Well there could be worse choices of weapons, like a flame-thrower, seriously, if the dead don't care about missing a limb, then why the heck would they be afraid of being burned, they'll just end up burning with them. Back to my original point about the obscure being useful, instead of a sword, use a shovel, they're larger, can be used as a blunt and sharp weapon, and can cleave the head of a zombie off it's shoulder's if it's lying on the ground, not to mention it doesn't need reloading nor is it noisy, and it doesn't take too much skill to use. As ridiculous as it would look, the obscure weapons like a shovel will keep you safer then most other weapons would. Feel free to comment on what you believe or even what you might think is a good post apocalyptic weapon.
    That's all for now...
   ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\  

1 comment:

  1. Educational. Personally, I think anything steel, whether sharp or blunt, would do. If you have a steel cane capable of caving in a partially decayed skull, then please cave in as many undead skulls as you want.
