Saturday, June 20, 2015

Game Review - Dying Light

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
So I failed rather miserably to keep my goal of one post every Friday, so that's why today i'm going to have a post today to make up for it. So let's try this schedule again.
If you couldn't tell by the title, this is a game review... of Dying Light... Anyways...

To get this out of the way, yes, i like this game, it's zombies and parkour, it's fun. Although it does have that rather strange feature of battery+wire+weapon=LIGHTNING! for some reason, but it's better than Dead Island's Deodorant+Deodorant+Duct Tape=Deobomb? If that were the case, TSA would have some REAL issues.
Another issue I have with this game is that it's explanation for the stereotypical zombie classes, (i.e. basic, running, spitting, slow-moving-but-strong, complete and utter tank, and zombie security alarm), are all because some scientist gave a couple zombies meat filled with the potential cure. So that's odd, cure them once, shame for humanity, cure them twice, it works fine? While we're here, let's touch base on one thing i never got about the zombie apocalypse, do people really think that a cure for zombies wouldn't just kill 'em outright, their already dead, you can't bring them back, okay maybe that last part is from The Walking Dead but whatever.
But enough about that, i'm not here to rip apart this game, that comes later. I'm looking at you Dead Island...
Dying Light is a decent game, i say decent because the plots a little cliche, but hey at least you get to work for the potentially evil organization, and that's a plus. The parkour definitely makes the game fun, especially with some of the upgrades you can get, which sort of makes up for the lack of being able to drive. Not to mention that the game offers to completely different single player experiences depending on the time of day. When the sun's up, it's smash-around-runny time, but when it's night time, run like Hell because that place is probably safer right now. It only sucks when you stumble upon, and trust you will stumble, a zombie that ate too much i guess and can explode when you such as breath on it. Which is honestly what lost me the most xp. OH YEAH, that's another thing, when you get shot or stabbed or bit to death, or fall of a ridge, you lose your xp, thanks game, SCREW YOU TOO! Anyways, i don't what to rate this thing, but in all, wait and hope Dead Island 2 is good, maybe Yager can do a better job, or maybe it'll be depressing, like Spec Ops: The Line, which would still be better than Dead Island. Long story short Screw Dead Island. Wait, what game was i supposed to be talking about again?
That's All For Now...

Oh, no, wait, if you're looking for more posts gaming related, check out one of my friends blogs.

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