Monday, August 24, 2015

My Take On: Fear The Walking Dead Pilot

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

Sorry, i'm a little late with this but i did say Monday or Tuesday.
The fact that this new series "Fear The Walking Dead" is instead the apocalypse as it happens unlike "The Walking Dead" which was exclusively after the outbreak, means there is so much new potential with the show, but i can't help but feel like they are saving that for the first season as a whole. While the Walking Dead's pilot did have some character development, it mainly focused on the zombies, but this show seems like right off the gate it's going to focus on the characters. I kid you not, it wasn't until the last half hour if not 15 minutes that you actually see much of the zombies. Seriously, there was only three in the first episode. But i could just be thinking about this all wrong. This is meant to be the start of the apocalypse, a slow boil is granted, but i feel like this would be more adequately described as throwing a flare into a swimming pool.

Now mind you, it did have it's moments, one character seems to get the hint that apocalypse is on it's way and tells that to his guidance counselor, one of the main characters. Then when school is let out early the next day after a strange event on the highway (in which our second zombie is finally seen and the show sets up their invulnerability) he just gives her this grim look of "I told you so" and i just loved that. Hell, when they showcased the last zombie an it gets run over twice and it's still trying to get up, that was another moment i found just great.

As for the characters, well, their trying to set up some kind of extended family that i honestly couldn't figure out completely how they were connected, but i think i'm starting to figure it out. Also, there is this interesting premise of who i think is the main character who happens to be a complete drug addict. I creates this situation in which no one believes him when he says he saw someone eating other people, and he's starting to doubt himself, it should be interesting to see where that goes in later episodes. 

Honestly, i just wished they had showcased the zombies more, because if you're going to set up the classic zombie rules, do them in the first episode or don't do them at all, either assume your audience knows these rules, or explain it to them, i don't mean flat out exposition either, one of the things this show did do well was showing without telling, except when a zombie gets shot in the head and someone yells "KILLSHOT!!" That could've been done better.

In all, it's good, it has great potential, and i just hope it achieves it by the end of this season, and that it learns from the other show's mistakes, for example, have a good season finale for more than just season one and two.

That's All For Now...

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