Friday, August 28, 2015

The Reality Of The Apocalypse - Yes I'm Doing This Again!

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
So, two weeks ago, i said i was going to explain why the apocalyptic future is a horrible place to be, as if there was really any need to explain that...

1. Always Running Low, Or Running Away...
Simple thing about the apocalypse, no renewable resources anymore, that meat from the store, gone in a week, that internet you enjoy, that's gone too, and those showers you enjoy, those are gone too, i hope you like bathing in lakes and rivers. As for your fellow man, yeah, they're all trying to eat you kill you, or steal from you. That fantasy of being a hero of the wastes isn't as easy as it sounds, maybe when humanity gotten back on its knees you have a chance. Until the good luck...

2. A Harder Life
You will never have enough food, enough sleep, or enough ammo. It's that simple, unless you stumble upon a huge safe haven, not a government run one, those usually drop like flies, but a real safe haven, you will always be hunger, tired, and most likely fearing for your life. You will have to either learn to hunt, or learn to steal. Well unless you live in Africa, the tribal regions, life might not change too much, but if your in America like me, you're going on some long trip, and you'll have to ban together to survive. That lone wolf ideology has no room in the apocalypse .

3. Your Neighbors, Your Hunters
Simply put, when your neighbors want to eat you, and you have to run away or kill them, AND they can only be killed by destroying their head, all I can say is good luck. I would've said more about this section, but i think i'm starting to sound pompous.

In short, your doomed, that's why it's an apocalypse, it's the end of the world.  Anyways, next week i'll be talking about the zombie video game tropes i hate, yeah, i've been waiting to talk about this...

That's All For Now...

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