Friday, October 16, 2015

Mistakes In The Zombie Apocalypse - Where Not To Hole Up When Hell Freezes Over

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
I'm really sorry about the month with no posts, but my laptop charger broke so i didn't want to risk draining the battery more than I already was. Also, October 22 was actually the first year anniversary of this blog, so for all of those of you who have been reading my posts, thank you! Now I have something special planned for this occasion, but it might be 2 more weeks until it is done, until then I am going to try and catch up on lost time.

So, this will be a two part series, the next post being the Friday, let's first start where you don't want to go in an apocalypse. I'm not going to state the obvious, I'm pretty sure most people already know that it is never a good idea to hide in an outhouse. so without further adieu, I mean ado, where to go when hell when hell freezes over.

First of all, where not to go, for obvious and maybe not so obvious reasons.


No, just no, don't, seriously don't. "But there might be medical supplies" I hear you say. Yeah, no, just don't. Hospitals are were the infection spreads. People dying of the disease are sent to the hospital, and by the time they turn, they are already inside, and turn all the other sick into the walking dead. There is no good to come from hospitals, you will never be safe there when the infection is first beginning. Later on however, I don't know, still, even though there might be food supplies, there are better places to go.


This is bad for a different reasons, mainly, you need to worry less about the dead and more about the living. They are hard to fortify from intruders, and the fact that they are full of food makes them prime lotting targets. Not to mention the fact that any resources you may hope to find are completely shot to hell with the fact that everyone else thought of it. So you know, attempt at your own risk


I don't why people would think this is a good idea, but here we go...
Yes, i'd admit that i thought that at first, when i was in middle school, that the fact that the school kind of prison, but it's simple, there's no food, little protection, and in the end, you're in the middle of a neighborhood with a ton of potential victims, i put those numbers in my calculator and does a little finger gun.

Come back Friday for where i think you should hole up in the apocalypse...
That's All For Now...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Walking Dead Season 6 Premiere Review

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

Just to let everyone know, I'm going to structure this based on commercial breaks, each paragraph consists of the space with a summary at the end of the entire post.

The first section is rather confusing but interesting and proves that the show's budget has grow, if nothing else. We see a semi-truck get tipped over a ridge and we see a rather rotten looking zombie to the first to step through two container that were blocking off the rest of the zombie horde. Apparently this whole set-up is part of some plan, and I'll let everyone know what that plan is later.

Next section shows the aftermath of the events of Season 5, we see Eugene find Tara awake, Glenn and the man whose name I can't remember, so his new name is A**hole, come back. Rick and Morgan bury the murderer's body only to find a zombie horde and Ron looking for his father's burial site. It also looks like the plan from the first section is to separate the zombie horde and I assume pick them off. Oh, and we are also introduced to Heath, who I thought looked familiar in the opening scene.

The flashbacks are now not as frequent. We see Rick and Morgan bury the murderer's body for his son's sake. It then focuses more on Alexandria's plan to lead off the horde. Glenn, A**hole (Nick), and Heath find a small horde trapped in a building that would easily lead the other horde away. But the way is barred, and that's the cliffhanger for the section.

A little more of the canon was added in this last section. It reveals that zombies swarm around noise and can thus be routed by these methods. We watch a little more build up of the plan and see that not everyone is truly willing to follow Rick. There's also a little nod to the fact that Glenn doesn't want Nick doing anything outside the walls.

We continue on with the plan and see that it might not be working. Although on a side note, I think these zombies skulls are held together with office tape because these things have managed to kill more of themselves by banging their head on a wall then from humans this episodes. Heck, more zombies have killed themselves then the actual living beings. That's about it there.

It is kind of annoying how the flashbacks are black & white, but I guess there does need to be a change in visual style in order for people to not confused. We continue on with the flashbacks and see that the survivors inside Alexandria are truly not ready for life outside the walls. We also see that Abraham might be going nuts.

R.I.P. Carter, R.I.P. I kind of feel bad for the guy, I mean, he got bite in the face of all places. I didn't like the guy, but i honestly didn't know enough about the guy to care about him. Well, that's one recent character dead, but i have a feeling we'll have another before this episode is up.

Well, that was a nice cliffhanger, the plan's almost complete, but then a large horn starts blaring from Alexandria's direction. It should be interesting to see where this is all going, and if events play out the way I think they do, then we could be that much closer to Negan.

So I was wrong that someone else would die in this episode, but me and a friend of mine do believe that one of the character deaths was revealed in the original trailer. Their name is the 11th line and two words from the right on this post, 11th line mean including spaces. Now, this episode seems promising, and I really hope this season is better than the rest, but i have this bad feeling that once again, the mid-season finale is going to be better than the actual finale.

Anyways, come back next week when i talk about where to hole up when the dead rise.

That's All For Now...

Friday, October 2, 2015

My Take On: The Strain Season 1 - A Retrospective

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
To continue my post last week, i'm going to be reviewing Season of The Strain as whole.

Now, I personally love this series, although i do need to catch up on Season 2. This first as a whole stays fairly close to the book, but i know for a fact that some of the material omitted from Season 1 is in Season 2. The Strain kicks off with a plane landing in the middle of a runway at JFK International Airport, appearing to be "dead". All the lights are off in the cabin, all the windows are closed and no one on the inside is moving. Two of the main characters, Eph and Nora, both of which whom work for the CDC. They board the plane and  find every occupant, except 4, dead.The bodies are autopsied but end up coming back to life and attacking the living. Meanwhile, Eldritch Palmer, a billionaire near death, sets up New York City to be completely taken over by the plague so that the Master will grant him immortality. That as far as i'l go with the story though, i'm not going any further here, i wont spoil the show entirely, i just personally recommend it.

This show i can respect for a lot of reasons, it stays true to it's source so far for one. I'm not saying experimentation isn't bad, but look at all the flak Game Of Thrones got for that. It also shows better pacing for an apocalypse than other shows, that might be because the creatures can only come out at night, but it's better pacing than Fear The Walking Dead which had thrown itself into full on apocalypse 3-4 episodes in. Anyways, I'd recommended The Strain. Season 1 is already on DVD and you can still watch all of Season 2 on FX Now.

I have no idea what i'm doing next week, but you know, i'll see you Friday.

That's All For Now...