Friday, October 16, 2015

Mistakes In The Zombie Apocalypse - Where Not To Hole Up When Hell Freezes Over

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
I'm really sorry about the month with no posts, but my laptop charger broke so i didn't want to risk draining the battery more than I already was. Also, October 22 was actually the first year anniversary of this blog, so for all of those of you who have been reading my posts, thank you! Now I have something special planned for this occasion, but it might be 2 more weeks until it is done, until then I am going to try and catch up on lost time.

So, this will be a two part series, the next post being the Friday, let's first start where you don't want to go in an apocalypse. I'm not going to state the obvious, I'm pretty sure most people already know that it is never a good idea to hide in an outhouse. so without further adieu, I mean ado, where to go when hell when hell freezes over.

First of all, where not to go, for obvious and maybe not so obvious reasons.


No, just no, don't, seriously don't. "But there might be medical supplies" I hear you say. Yeah, no, just don't. Hospitals are were the infection spreads. People dying of the disease are sent to the hospital, and by the time they turn, they are already inside, and turn all the other sick into the walking dead. There is no good to come from hospitals, you will never be safe there when the infection is first beginning. Later on however, I don't know, still, even though there might be food supplies, there are better places to go.


This is bad for a different reasons, mainly, you need to worry less about the dead and more about the living. They are hard to fortify from intruders, and the fact that they are full of food makes them prime lotting targets. Not to mention the fact that any resources you may hope to find are completely shot to hell with the fact that everyone else thought of it. So you know, attempt at your own risk


I don't why people would think this is a good idea, but here we go...
Yes, i'd admit that i thought that at first, when i was in middle school, that the fact that the school kind of prison, but it's simple, there's no food, little protection, and in the end, you're in the middle of a neighborhood with a ton of potential victims, i put those numbers in my calculator and does a little finger gun.

Come back Friday for where i think you should hole up in the apocalypse...
That's All For Now...

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