Friday, October 2, 2015

My Take On: The Strain Season 1 - A Retrospective

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
To continue my post last week, i'm going to be reviewing Season of The Strain as whole.

Now, I personally love this series, although i do need to catch up on Season 2. This first as a whole stays fairly close to the book, but i know for a fact that some of the material omitted from Season 1 is in Season 2. The Strain kicks off with a plane landing in the middle of a runway at JFK International Airport, appearing to be "dead". All the lights are off in the cabin, all the windows are closed and no one on the inside is moving. Two of the main characters, Eph and Nora, both of which whom work for the CDC. They board the plane and  find every occupant, except 4, dead.The bodies are autopsied but end up coming back to life and attacking the living. Meanwhile, Eldritch Palmer, a billionaire near death, sets up New York City to be completely taken over by the plague so that the Master will grant him immortality. That as far as i'l go with the story though, i'm not going any further here, i wont spoil the show entirely, i just personally recommend it.

This show i can respect for a lot of reasons, it stays true to it's source so far for one. I'm not saying experimentation isn't bad, but look at all the flak Game Of Thrones got for that. It also shows better pacing for an apocalypse than other shows, that might be because the creatures can only come out at night, but it's better pacing than Fear The Walking Dead which had thrown itself into full on apocalypse 3-4 episodes in. Anyways, I'd recommended The Strain. Season 1 is already on DVD and you can still watch all of Season 2 on FX Now.

I have no idea what i'm doing next week, but you know, i'll see you Friday.

That's All For Now...

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