Friday, July 17, 2015

A Rant On The Walking Dead- Killing Off Characters

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
Yeah, been kind of waiting to do this one.

Oh, and if you haven't finished watching season 5 of the walking, major spoilers ahead.

Before i go any further, when it comes to the walking dead, it's not why they kill of the characters that usually bugs me, it's HOW, and sometimes when, and maybe who... Let's start with Tyrese, that guy from the comics who should've shown up season one and instead waited till season 3. His death was just awful, he just had to break down at one of the strangest moments possible, you know, because having him break down after someone tried to kill Judith or when Liz killed her sister would've made too much sense. And he then gets attacked and bit by a zombified child. But it's not that either, it's the fact that zombie's can somehow be surprising when they moan as soon as they see people. They're not cognizant, they can't surprise people, at leas not five season in when they can no longer get back form a fall like they did in season 2 or climb fences like they did in season one. The Walking Dead also seems to have an impeccable sense of not knowing how to time things, The Governor  should've been dead a season before he was finally offed. Beth shouldn't have died for Noah, just to have Noah to die half a season later.

Ah yes, and that, that gets annoying when the character you wanted to live, dies, and when the character you wanted to die, lives. It may be a messed up world, but if anything, it should make it easier to kill the dirt bags and wimps, to put THAT lightly. So in conclusion, there might be another rant on it's way...

That's All For Now...

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