Friday, July 10, 2015

Apocalypse How? - Pt. 9 - Man Eating Mermaids/The Great Flood

Sorry, just had to let that out.
Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
Once again I delve into the obscure, mainly, i have nothing better to do.
This was one of my friend's recommendations, and honestly idk where to go with this but, here we go.

So, um, ugh...
Say mermaids exist, well, now imagine they now want to eat people, so they come up to the surface in swarms. Well they wouldn't get far if their stuck being in salt water, but if they can go into lakes, well, i guess all fisherman will be sad. OH, no, wait, i forget. Most products and supplies are shipped over seas! So if mermaids start sinking humanities ships, supplies would have a harder time going across oceans. China and the U.S.'s trade route would be severely slowed, that could cause some issues, if not economic depression, well okay, maybe not that. But mermaids ransacking ships would definitely slow the world down. Cruises also might be a thing of the past. Although, maybe those will turn into hunting expeditions. Well, i feel like this was kind of short, how about a double header.

Next Up, let's stick with this water theme shall we?
The talk biblical, without actual being biblical. Well, sort of...

The Great Flood, you know, the one that destroyed man kind except for a couple people? Yeah well, long story short, unless the world builds giant boats like in 2012, the movie i hope that was obvious, then you're doomed. Trust me, your kayak or canoe or even cruise ship, actually, okay, maybe a cruise ship, those didn't exist during biblical times, but they might just work. I know the flood wasn't sudden, it was 40 days and nights of raining, but small boat wouldn't last long, simply not enough supplies. Although with only cruise ships going around, that would mean that the only land animals that would survive would be cockroaches and rats. You know, besides humans. We'd be stuck fishing for the rest of our lives. Unless a man named Noah decides to build an arc and save two of every creature.

And Now... Combining The Apocalypse...
Yeah, I just wanted to make this difficult...

So if we were to combine these apocalypses, then we'll be dead, well, okay, maybe not THAT dead, if that makes sense. We'll still have cruise ships hopefully, and well, one apocalypse would cancel out the other. The flood lasted for a year and 10 days, that might be stretching it quite a bit for a cruise ship, just send criminals over board, or just send everyone over board. A year would definitely be enough time for the man eating mermaids to wear you thin anyways. And then the waters would receed, and if your ship happens to be above land, then you win, any mermaids that had moved in are now stuck on land, they should be easy to kill then. So all in all, remember this.

When water apocalypses abound, book a cruise, and bring a gun. I really wished i could've made that rhyme. I got it!

When mermaids abound, get the f**k out.

That's All For Now...

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