Friday, November 14, 2014

Running Out of Ideas Pt.1- Vampires vs. Zombies

So I'm really running out of ideas here, so why not do something even more obscure than everything else? What say Vampires vs. Zombies, who would win, well it depends on which series you read, but in practically every popular vampire series out there, the vampires would win by a long shot considering they have super strength and speed. In fact there only disadvantage a vampire would have and that's sunlight. This is excluding the vampires from "The Strain." The Strain is a book trilogy in which the vampires are destroyed by sunlight, weakened by silver, and cannot cross running water without permission from a human. It has also been turned into a TV show on FX, and just recently finished it's first season. On this show, when vampires start out, they are slow moving but have a six-foot "stinger" that shoots out of their mouth and infects other's with parasitic worms, but after a month  they are fully fledged and actually have some intelligence. The strongest of them all though, are those who are turned into a vampire by one of the seven original vampires, these kind are super strong and really fast, but not fully immune to sunlight. And the originals themselves are practically impossible to kill with traditional methods. In this world though, the outcome of a vampire/zombie war would all depend on one thing, us. If the vampire apocalypse and zombie apocalypse were to happen at the same time, one in the western hemisphere and another in the eastern, the zombies would take over their world slowly, but probably not be affected by "The Strain" vampires until some one allows them to cross running water. In the end, the zombies would eventually cover the globe in search for humans only to find a ton of vampires. Not to mention "The Strain"'s vampire immortality would cause them to out live zombies. But the most decisive part of the war would be, do zombies crave vampires? And can vampires infect zombies? Well, if zombies craved vampires, the fresh vampires would die, and if they turned, they would be a much stronger undead member. I'm guessing that a vampire in "The Strain" universe could probably not infect a zombie, being that they're not human. In all, the odds of the vampires beating the zombies in the apocalypse is the same odds as the humans betting zombies. At least based on "The Strain" universe.
   That's all for now...
   Table flips me...

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