Monday, April 27, 2015

And Now... A Rant

Hello Everyone,
Morbidly Deceased Here,
   So as much as i love this show,
I do have a couple problems with it, and i'll only be covering this one today. So here it is, the walkers in Season 1 are much smarter than those in Season 2 and any season since. And i'm not saying that just because one extra was drinking water during one of the scenes, there was a lot more cannon parts of the show that prove my point. One, let's start with the most obvious, go back and watch Episode 2 of the first season and watch how walkers manage TO CLIMB A FENCE. They haven't done anything like that since, and yet here they are with enough motor control to nearly climb a fence, well, before they get shot off. Now, how about another step back to the first episode, one of these contradictions includes this iconic shot.
That's the last time i saw walkers hear a person through a door like that, btw, in the show the doors were chained together was locked, unlike that picture. Finally, in the first episode again, Morgan's zombified wife, turns a doorknob, and not just one time to be an accident, but several, as if she's trying to get in. For all I know there was some backlash early on, but seriously, when did zombies turn so stupid? And now, a hint at next week's rant...
That's All For Now...

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