Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Apocalypse How?- Pt. 8- Zombies

Hello Everyone
Morbidly Deceased Here,
So, i'm sure most of you assumed that this would be the first one on the list, assuming you knew about this series beforehand, but I figured i'd save it for later.
So, as for apocalypses, this can be fairly easy, or extremely hard, depends on if it's a book or a video game. Let's start with the classic zombie, it's slow moving, eats flesh, and can only be killed with fire or a bullet to the head. Now let's say the world knows what zombies are, much like our world, then killing the undead would be easy, we'd know how to do it. I know it sounds stupid for someone to assume that the one guy over there trying to eat someone is a zombie and not high on bath salts, but when there's a swarm of them, you can be sure that not everyone wanted to get high. We're willing to believe insane creatures like zombies, and if you don't believe, look at the salem witch hunts, not everyone who accused someone believed in witches, but obviously someone did, or else the whole mess wouldn't have happened. Now, if we didn't know what zombies were, we'd practically be doomed, humanity would be much more likely to fall.
Now, onto the video game zombie, the type that as long as you hit it with enough ammunition/knives/coatracks, you can kill it. But there is a downside, mainly, the variation of zombies. Sure, a hoard of the undead's bad enough, but imagine dealing with something like this:
One explodes and kills you instantly, the other slices you to death, long story short, FUN!!
Although the worst type I've seen would either be "The Blackest Night" or "Marvel Zombies Vol. 1" story arcs from the comics. Each of these include superheroes and supervillains coming back and wrecking havoc on the living. Yeah, that's even worse. Kinda self explanatory.

So, i have no idea which apocalypse i'm doing next but if you have an idea, let me know. I'll try to return this to an avery Friday series.
   That's All For Now...

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Apocalypse How?-Pt. 7-Mass Sterilization

Hello Everyone
Morbidly Deceased Here,
    So this one's a little obscure, but it has been talked about before. So there's that. Before i do anything else, let me explain what this is. One day humanity wakes up with the ability, or defect, of no longer being able to have children, for both genders. It'll be a slow but agonizing apocalypse. There would be no way to fight it on a citizen level, instead it would be scientists trying to clone or synthesize or breed humans via unnatural methods. Meanwhile, the rest of humanity would start to panic, realizing that they are about it in terms of the human population. But hey, your life wouldn't necessarily be in danger, until people take it too far and decide they're going to die soon, and then the looting begins.

   That's All For Now...

Monday, May 11, 2015

Apocalypse How?-Pt. 6- Dinosaurs

Yes, Dinosaurs
Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

So, this apocalypse is a little odd and a little questionable as an apocalypse. Mainly because dinosaurs spreading world wide would be noticed before they overwhelm humanity. It would end almost as quickly as it began because let's face it, if we can take down elephants and tigers we can take down dinosaurs. But lets ignore the spread of this apocalypse and instead focus on the more impossible. All the dinosaurs just come back, simultaneously and almost everywhere. This is still probably still easier to fight than a robot uprising, but the average person would most likely have a much harder time than the military. Now, i'm planning on starting another series about how to fight certain apocalypses sometime in the future but, i touch lightly on it now. Avoid wide open spaces and such because of flying dinosaurs, avoid the seas because there are dinos that can eat sharks, and most of all, have a gun. But one glaring hole in this type of apocalypse is that eventually the climate and mostly full, if not overfilled, carrying capacity of the world would cause the the new predators to potentially eat themselves out. If i'm not mistaken, the age of mammals is full of much tinier creatures than that of the age of reptiles. But say this isn't a problem, then it'll be a pretty interesting fight.
   That's All For Now...

Monday, May 4, 2015

A Milestone

Hello Everyone,
Morbidly Deceased Here,
   I was going to do another rant when i saw that as of yesterday, the blog reached 500 views. Which is awesome! I'd like to thank both everyone new to the blog, and anyone whose been here since the beginning.  thank you for taking time out your day to here what i have to say about the end of the world. If it weren't for all of you, i would have not kept this blog going after it was no longer for a grade. Thanks again!
   That's All For Now...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Apocalypse How?-Pt. 5-Robot Uprising

Hello Everyone
Morbidly Deceased Here,
   In honor of this movie, let's talk about your toaster taking over your town.
Well, since i don't know much about the plot, and honestly, i don't want to spoil anything so let's instead talk about terminator. Plain and simple, and program become sentient and decides to wipe out humanity. Or maybe giant robots come from outer space to fight over some sort of ancient artifact, i'm looking at you Michael Bay. 
Long story short, this A.I. either builds more of itself or gives other robots sentience, or in the further future converts other A.I.'s to it's cause. Either way, this would be a harder apocalypse to fight than any zombie. When your enemy can take several different shapes, and has above-human intelligence, AND is made of metal, you're doomed. Well, unless you have a lot of bombs, or bullets, or EMPs. So good luck. I don't much else to say about this.
   That's All For Now...