Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Apocalypse How?- Pt. 8- Zombies

Hello Everyone
Morbidly Deceased Here,
So, i'm sure most of you assumed that this would be the first one on the list, assuming you knew about this series beforehand, but I figured i'd save it for later.
So, as for apocalypses, this can be fairly easy, or extremely hard, depends on if it's a book or a video game. Let's start with the classic zombie, it's slow moving, eats flesh, and can only be killed with fire or a bullet to the head. Now let's say the world knows what zombies are, much like our world, then killing the undead would be easy, we'd know how to do it. I know it sounds stupid for someone to assume that the one guy over there trying to eat someone is a zombie and not high on bath salts, but when there's a swarm of them, you can be sure that not everyone wanted to get high. We're willing to believe insane creatures like zombies, and if you don't believe, look at the salem witch hunts, not everyone who accused someone believed in witches, but obviously someone did, or else the whole mess wouldn't have happened. Now, if we didn't know what zombies were, we'd practically be doomed, humanity would be much more likely to fall.
Now, onto the video game zombie, the type that as long as you hit it with enough ammunition/knives/coatracks, you can kill it. But there is a downside, mainly, the variation of zombies. Sure, a hoard of the undead's bad enough, but imagine dealing with something like this:
One explodes and kills you instantly, the other slices you to death, long story short, FUN!!
Although the worst type I've seen would either be "The Blackest Night" or "Marvel Zombies Vol. 1" story arcs from the comics. Each of these include superheroes and supervillains coming back and wrecking havoc on the living. Yeah, that's even worse. Kinda self explanatory.

So, i have no idea which apocalypse i'm doing next but if you have an idea, let me know. I'll try to return this to an avery Friday series.
   That's All For Now...

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