Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Apocalypse How?-Pt. 7-Mass Sterilization

Hello Everyone
Morbidly Deceased Here,
    So this one's a little obscure, but it has been talked about before. So there's that. Before i do anything else, let me explain what this is. One day humanity wakes up with the ability, or defect, of no longer being able to have children, for both genders. It'll be a slow but agonizing apocalypse. There would be no way to fight it on a citizen level, instead it would be scientists trying to clone or synthesize or breed humans via unnatural methods. Meanwhile, the rest of humanity would start to panic, realizing that they are about it in terms of the human population. But hey, your life wouldn't necessarily be in danger, until people take it too far and decide they're going to die soon, and then the looting begins.

   That's All For Now...

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