Friday, May 1, 2015

Apocalypse How?-Pt. 5-Robot Uprising

Hello Everyone
Morbidly Deceased Here,
   In honor of this movie, let's talk about your toaster taking over your town.
Well, since i don't know much about the plot, and honestly, i don't want to spoil anything so let's instead talk about terminator. Plain and simple, and program become sentient and decides to wipe out humanity. Or maybe giant robots come from outer space to fight over some sort of ancient artifact, i'm looking at you Michael Bay. 
Long story short, this A.I. either builds more of itself or gives other robots sentience, or in the further future converts other A.I.'s to it's cause. Either way, this would be a harder apocalypse to fight than any zombie. When your enemy can take several different shapes, and has above-human intelligence, AND is made of metal, you're doomed. Well, unless you have a lot of bombs, or bullets, or EMPs. So good luck. I don't much else to say about this.
   That's All For Now...

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