Friday, October 16, 2015

Mistakes In The Zombie Apocalypse - Where Not To Hole Up When Hell Freezes Over

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
I'm really sorry about the month with no posts, but my laptop charger broke so i didn't want to risk draining the battery more than I already was. Also, October 22 was actually the first year anniversary of this blog, so for all of those of you who have been reading my posts, thank you! Now I have something special planned for this occasion, but it might be 2 more weeks until it is done, until then I am going to try and catch up on lost time.

So, this will be a two part series, the next post being the Friday, let's first start where you don't want to go in an apocalypse. I'm not going to state the obvious, I'm pretty sure most people already know that it is never a good idea to hide in an outhouse. so without further adieu, I mean ado, where to go when hell when hell freezes over.

First of all, where not to go, for obvious and maybe not so obvious reasons.


No, just no, don't, seriously don't. "But there might be medical supplies" I hear you say. Yeah, no, just don't. Hospitals are were the infection spreads. People dying of the disease are sent to the hospital, and by the time they turn, they are already inside, and turn all the other sick into the walking dead. There is no good to come from hospitals, you will never be safe there when the infection is first beginning. Later on however, I don't know, still, even though there might be food supplies, there are better places to go.


This is bad for a different reasons, mainly, you need to worry less about the dead and more about the living. They are hard to fortify from intruders, and the fact that they are full of food makes them prime lotting targets. Not to mention the fact that any resources you may hope to find are completely shot to hell with the fact that everyone else thought of it. So you know, attempt at your own risk


I don't why people would think this is a good idea, but here we go...
Yes, i'd admit that i thought that at first, when i was in middle school, that the fact that the school kind of prison, but it's simple, there's no food, little protection, and in the end, you're in the middle of a neighborhood with a ton of potential victims, i put those numbers in my calculator and does a little finger gun.

Come back Friday for where i think you should hole up in the apocalypse...
That's All For Now...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Walking Dead Season 6 Premiere Review

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

Just to let everyone know, I'm going to structure this based on commercial breaks, each paragraph consists of the space with a summary at the end of the entire post.

The first section is rather confusing but interesting and proves that the show's budget has grow, if nothing else. We see a semi-truck get tipped over a ridge and we see a rather rotten looking zombie to the first to step through two container that were blocking off the rest of the zombie horde. Apparently this whole set-up is part of some plan, and I'll let everyone know what that plan is later.

Next section shows the aftermath of the events of Season 5, we see Eugene find Tara awake, Glenn and the man whose name I can't remember, so his new name is A**hole, come back. Rick and Morgan bury the murderer's body only to find a zombie horde and Ron looking for his father's burial site. It also looks like the plan from the first section is to separate the zombie horde and I assume pick them off. Oh, and we are also introduced to Heath, who I thought looked familiar in the opening scene.

The flashbacks are now not as frequent. We see Rick and Morgan bury the murderer's body for his son's sake. It then focuses more on Alexandria's plan to lead off the horde. Glenn, A**hole (Nick), and Heath find a small horde trapped in a building that would easily lead the other horde away. But the way is barred, and that's the cliffhanger for the section.

A little more of the canon was added in this last section. It reveals that zombies swarm around noise and can thus be routed by these methods. We watch a little more build up of the plan and see that not everyone is truly willing to follow Rick. There's also a little nod to the fact that Glenn doesn't want Nick doing anything outside the walls.

We continue on with the plan and see that it might not be working. Although on a side note, I think these zombies skulls are held together with office tape because these things have managed to kill more of themselves by banging their head on a wall then from humans this episodes. Heck, more zombies have killed themselves then the actual living beings. That's about it there.

It is kind of annoying how the flashbacks are black & white, but I guess there does need to be a change in visual style in order for people to not confused. We continue on with the flashbacks and see that the survivors inside Alexandria are truly not ready for life outside the walls. We also see that Abraham might be going nuts.

R.I.P. Carter, R.I.P. I kind of feel bad for the guy, I mean, he got bite in the face of all places. I didn't like the guy, but i honestly didn't know enough about the guy to care about him. Well, that's one recent character dead, but i have a feeling we'll have another before this episode is up.

Well, that was a nice cliffhanger, the plan's almost complete, but then a large horn starts blaring from Alexandria's direction. It should be interesting to see where this is all going, and if events play out the way I think they do, then we could be that much closer to Negan.

So I was wrong that someone else would die in this episode, but me and a friend of mine do believe that one of the character deaths was revealed in the original trailer. Their name is the 11th line and two words from the right on this post, 11th line mean including spaces. Now, this episode seems promising, and I really hope this season is better than the rest, but i have this bad feeling that once again, the mid-season finale is going to be better than the actual finale.

Anyways, come back next week when i talk about where to hole up when the dead rise.

That's All For Now...

Friday, October 2, 2015

My Take On: The Strain Season 1 - A Retrospective

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
To continue my post last week, i'm going to be reviewing Season of The Strain as whole.

Now, I personally love this series, although i do need to catch up on Season 2. This first as a whole stays fairly close to the book, but i know for a fact that some of the material omitted from Season 1 is in Season 2. The Strain kicks off with a plane landing in the middle of a runway at JFK International Airport, appearing to be "dead". All the lights are off in the cabin, all the windows are closed and no one on the inside is moving. Two of the main characters, Eph and Nora, both of which whom work for the CDC. They board the plane and  find every occupant, except 4, dead.The bodies are autopsied but end up coming back to life and attacking the living. Meanwhile, Eldritch Palmer, a billionaire near death, sets up New York City to be completely taken over by the plague so that the Master will grant him immortality. That as far as i'l go with the story though, i'm not going any further here, i wont spoil the show entirely, i just personally recommend it.

This show i can respect for a lot of reasons, it stays true to it's source so far for one. I'm not saying experimentation isn't bad, but look at all the flak Game Of Thrones got for that. It also shows better pacing for an apocalypse than other shows, that might be because the creatures can only come out at night, but it's better pacing than Fear The Walking Dead which had thrown itself into full on apocalypse 3-4 episodes in. Anyways, I'd recommended The Strain. Season 1 is already on DVD and you can still watch all of Season 2 on FX Now.

I have no idea what i'm doing next week, but you know, i'll see you Friday.

That's All For Now...

Friday, September 25, 2015

Apocalypse How - The Strain - I Am Legend's Descendant

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
Back to another one of these huh, well, it's no bad at all, at least i enjoy them.

Anyways, today i'm talking about The Strain, a vampire apocalypse that seems to be one of I Am Legend's closest descendants. It's a really great series honestly, and the show so far has stayed relatively close to it's source material.

The Vampires:
Unlike my last review, there's only really two types of this monster.
First, we have the original 7, they are pretty much the hive minds of these armies. They can see through the eyes of the vampires they create and they are very intelligent, being in charge of millions of vampires, well, not all of them in charge of so, mainly just one, the only one who quite literally calls them self "The Master." They also don't die quickly in sunlight unlike their underlings, but they can still die because of it. They can also use other vampire and human bodies as they're new body is their old body gets too damaged.

Now, their underlings, which are the most common of them all, being the only other kind. Start off fairly slow and not to bright, but within a month them are back to full mobility and can actually think for themselves, making them much more formidable than zombies. But their main weakness is sunlight/UV lights, they also can killed normally with simple bullets or getting beheaded, heck, you can even ripe their "stinger" out, but silver burns them and is thus more effective.

The Anatomy:
 Vampires in this series have no hair (they lose it when they turn), no genitalia (it shrivel up and falls off), has a 6 foot "stinger" coiled up in their throat that shoots out at an incredible speed and latch onto something, cutting into an artery and draining the blood while passing on the parasite. Their skin is pale, for obvious reasons, and they are the same height as humans.

The Parasite:
In this series, it's not a virus, but instead something a little more feasible, a parasite. In this case it's a type of worms that enters into the victims bloodstream and quickly replicates. By the time you get one out, there is already several more flowing through you. They cause the metamorphosis itself and turn the blood into a white substance and changes the internal organs that process blood, along with the changes mentioned above.

Now, i said this was closely related to I Am Legend, and in truth it is. The vampires have attributes of zombies and vampires, they also become smarter as time goes on, and in both series the characters work for a cure.

Tune in next Friday when I review Season 1 of the show.

That's All For Now...

Friday, September 18, 2015

What Makes Zombies Scary

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

1. The Ones You Loved
The undead are stupid, slow and rather easy to get around, thus the only factor likely to stop you from killing them is the fact that, well, they were once human. There will always be that doubt that maybe they are still human, that they are simply trapped, and that doubt will always stop you. But there will always be those few zombies that are worse than the rest, they're not stronger, they are not faster, no: they were once the ones you loved. 

2. Alone With A Monster
In the beginning of an apocalypse, most TV shows, movies, and literature will show the beginning of the apocalypse as a horde, when in reality, the first time you will probably see a zombie is in your own house, or office, or gas station, some place closed in, some place where it's easy to get trapped. Stuck in a place where something wants to eat you and, assuming the apocalypse has just begun, you probably don't know how to kill it. Worse yet, when you're left in the dark, or searching a building, you don't know where it is, where it's "hiding," now a zombie's slowness no longer matters, they can jump out at you, and even worse, bite you, endgame. 

3. Surrounded By Monsters
While one zombie alone in the open isn't that scary nor dangerous, a wall of undead shambling toward you however, that will stop you in your tracks. Often times in the open, zombies will be found in hordes, they congregate around noises, or scent depending on the source material. When the next trigger is set off, the zombies that were simply wandering will now all be moving in a horde towards it. The thing about hordes is that simply, you're best bet is running. Attempt to shoot down a horde, you risk getting flanked by more dead shambling toward you, attempt to blow it up, they will still keep coming, you try to set it on fire, well, check out my blog post Fire!, for that particular crash course. There is no stopping it, and watching a wall of dead mow down the living at the beginning of the apocalypse will teach you to avoid these swarms.

4. Eaten Alive
They're are many horrible ways to die, and honestly, in the apocalypse, you'll be lucky if you die from a bite. Zombies have an incredibly gruesome way of getting rid of people, eating you alive, well until you pass out and die, or just die, that's when the pain ends. Drowning is awful, burning is dreadful, but being ripped apart piece by piece as several hands dig into and several mouths rip off you're flesh, that's a whole different hell. Here you are being devoured by the very thing you've been trying to run away from, the very thing that's killed the one's you loved, and now it's about to claim you too, and your death won't be kick, and it definitely won't be painless.

5. No End In Sight
If any realizations going to crush what hope you have left, it'll be the though that in the end, there might be no end, the zombies may rot into the dirt but the humans that survive, the higher the chance of another large scale outbreak begins. It's the horror that lingers, a force that could exist as long as humanity still lives. The military might be able to save you, although if you believe most zombie fiction, the military rarely survives, but is it enough? No, not without a cure, and if society falls, a cure will not be possible. If humanity survives, the undead will always haunt us.

6. The Pain You Know
This one i'll admit is probably not as obvious as the previous reasons, but there will always be a slightly chilling feeling to seeing a zombie with a knife buried in it's chest or it's arm hacked off, or it's jaw missing. We can relate to that, much more than we can relate to seeing the same thing on a vampire or werewolf, because we know what that mean on our own terms, and that's the subtle horror of it.

7. The Uncanny Valley
For those of you who don't know about the uncanny valley i recommend this video by Extra Credits here: Extra Credits - The Uncanny Valley. Zombie fall perfectly into this valley, they look human, but not enough that instead, they would naturally freak you out. When they first turn, they'd look close enough to human, but instead they now lurch at you, try to eat others, and are making raspy growl. They look human but clearly aren't anymore, that makes a huge difference.Sometimes the scariest things are not the twisted monstrosities, but instead, a dark reflection of yourself, a glimpse of your future, a look at what will happen to you too when you lose you're humanity.

I was going to do a little bit more, explaining the human side of the horror, how a world gone mad making humanity just as bad as, if not worse than, zombies, but i'll save that for another week. Come back next Friday when I talk about "The Strain" two words, vampire apocalypse...

That's All For Now...

Friday, September 11, 2015

Apocalypse How - Attack On Titan

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

So i'm not here to explain why Attack On The Titan is good, other have people have done that, and done that better than i ever could. But to say the least, i highly recommend it. It's does a lot of things well, and i highly recommend it.

Anyways, i'm here to talk about the apocalypse behind it, because one, it's interesting, and two it's a rather unused concept. This apocalypse is about giant humanoid creatures appearing on earth and trying to destroy humanity. They cannot be starved (considering most of them haven't had a meal in 100 years at the show's opening), they can not be hacked to bits except for one weak spot, the nape of their neck, in which a chuck of flesh must be cut out, they regenerate everywhere else, (it only takes a minute or two for their head to grow back), and they are surprisingly fast and rather light for their size.

These titans also range from 3 - 60 meters tall (If you watch the show a 3m tall titan is mentioned, the chart just doesn't show it) Here's a comparison chart from the show itself:

Now mind you though, that 60m titan is one of a kind and rarely shows up, but it possesses a certain amount of intelligence that makes it incredibly dangerous, not to mention it can appear and disappear in an instant.

There are also variant titans which are faster than the rest. They can outrun a horse which might not sound impressive, but when cars are long gone in most accounts, that's pretty fast, you can't out run that, well let alone a regular titan. There's also another kind of titan i won't talk about mainly because it would a huge spoiler in the series, and that type is also not very well known.

In this series, to fight the titans, humanity has Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear, a gas canister propelled system with 2 grapples to stab into object and buildings, 8 hard-steel blade that attach to the 2 handles that are also the firing mechanism for the grapples, the suit also consists of a system of belts and straps that are used to maneuver while mid-air.

Although it's kind of up for debate as to whether or not such a system is realistic. But that's not exactly what matters, what are the odds of our world surviving this apocalypse? Not very good, slim, almost non-existent, nah, impossible. Unless we do what this series does (not the 3d gear) and build a giant wall out of stone or metal or whatever, we might have a chance, or if we decide to live on the ocean, or in the air or on one of the poles, but even so, it's a matter of getting there and hoping the titans can't swim. Actually sea living might just be it, that or blotting out the sky.  The Titans do have another weakness besides cutting off their nape, lack of sunlight. Without sunlight some titans will become sluggish and start to starve, something 100 years without eating didn't do.

But one possible weakness might also be cold temperature, Titans have an insanely high body temperature and thus are always steaming and emit a lot of heat especially when they die, so maybe, just maybe, ocean water could kill the things. I say the ocean because it's large enough to keep a relatively consistent and cold temperature, so any Titans chasing humanity into the water might die of hypothermia, assuming that their body temperature isn't so high or just simply defies the laws of nature like the way their weight does. The series creator himself Hajime Isayama even said the titans mainly attack from the south, but none from the north because it's a frozen wasteland. 

So that's your lot, either find some way the zip around quickly to chop up the titans, build a giant wall, set sail, or blot out the sun, maybe with nukes? I mean it sounds stupid but that's what most people i know would resort to, but yeah anyways, come back next Friday, my next post is on what makes zombies scary (and how most people are doing it wrong.)  

That's All For Now...

Friday, September 4, 2015

5 Zombie Game Tropes That Get On My Nerves

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

1. The Protagonist Is Immune
I'm sorry, well not really, but i consider this a HUGE cop out. I get that if a player had to reload a save every single time someone bites them then the game might be considered to difficult. But hang on, that's not quite right, zombie games are supposed to difficult, and besides, Dying Light did something like this, you're character gets bit and you have to take some kind of medicine to hold off the virus. But it could be done better, Dying Light never made it into a ticking clock element, it ended only effecting you specifically in story, and no where else... Anyways, moving on...

2. Crafting Systems
I can't help but feel like some zombie games are taking this too far. Not Dead Rising though, Dead Rising is meant to be insane with that kind of stuff, but when you can duct tape a battery to a weapon and give it Lightning Powers!!!,  then you might not be on the right side of realism. I know, i know, a game filled with zombies, do you really expect realism when it's talking about raising the dead? Well, if you're a game with the tone of Dead Island or Dying Light, then you probably don't want to have weapons like this...

But hey, all i'm saying is if you're going to have a depressing or serious tone to your game, do not allow wolverine claws, i mean serious, you wouldn't have an episode of SpongeBob in Human Centipede, well okay, bad example, Human Centipede might just be over the top and campy enough to get away with that kind of thing.

3. Escort Quests
Escort quests can be bad enough in regular games, but in zombie ones, especially in ones like Dead Rising and Dead Island where zombies start to show up all over the place, it gets tiring if controller breaking frustrating. Or mouse breaking, sorry, think i just gave away the fact that i'm mainly a console gamer. Now, this problem can be avoided and often is if the A.I. isn't...

But sadly when the A.I. is faulty, escort quests become hell, or hell on earth. One way to fix this is a simple command to just get them to hide someplace or actually get in the car. Yeah, this ones hardly to deal with, and i think a better title for this section might be Poorly Handled Escort Quests.

4. Zombie Variety
I get zombies might be a bit over used, but the variations of zombies have become a little cliche, and honestly, i don't care to much about seeing the new zombie types. I'm waiting for someone to do zombies well first. Zombies are supposed to be slow moving, can only die when the head is destroyed, transmit the virus through bites, and are only truly a threat in tight spaces or in large numbers. But i rarely see that, instead zombies have to mutate nowadays, and you know what, that would've made more sense when zombies were caused by radiation (as in Night Of The Living Dead) not when they are created by a virus. Viruses mutate, sure, but they usually only mutate to a form people wont be immune to, not a form that changes their hosts shape.  And some of the zombie types are even hackneyed at this point, that's how over used zombies are, now even their mutations are getting old. There always seems to be the spitter, the exploder, the sprinter, the tough mother****er, and the psycho du jour. Although, Dead I sland, explain this to me, how is it that a small island have so many psychos in straight jackets running around? I get you could have a mental ward or something, but even so, i'm pretty a straight jacket doesn't make you muscle bound, if anything it does the opposite, it's just weird, and if your trying to have a dark and somber tone it just doesn't make sense.

5. How To Ramp Up Difficulty
This ties in to almost every one of my previous points really. Everything for weapon crafting, to zombie variety, to protagonist immunity boils down to one thing, game difficulty, and if this is how developers are doing it, then they're doing it all wrong. It's simple really, okay, probably not the coding, but at least the design and rule set. You want to make your game difficult? Make zombies only truly go down if they're burnt alive or take a bullet (or other object) to the head. To make it fair, bullets are one hit kills if it hits them in the head, and only certain weapons that would naturally be weaker than an axe or a sledgehammer might potentially take maybe 2 or 3 whacks to kill a zombie with. To make sure there's no confusion, give weaker weapons a "light weapon" category and one hit kill weapons "heavy weapons" for melee based weapons that is. Another idea is to not make the character immune, Dying Light avoided that, but also don't do what Dying Light did get rid of xp because we acted too fast to remember that the zombies in red jackets explode. Instead maybe give us an option to reload the save or instead revive ourselves with some of our xp, or just force us to reload. Another option is to avoid certain weapon crafting and make it take some actual time and effort to make a weapon with lightning powers, or just make it only electrify enemies, but make it realistic if that's the tone of the rest of it, but if you're like Dead Rising, then go nuts. Heck, here's a rather unexplored concept, want to ramp up difficulty, don't make variations of zombified humans, maybe instead do zombified animals, i mean those could be scary as hell, especially when they first turn.
Well, i could go on longer, but at that point i'd be better off making a whole new post for. Anyways, i have no idea what i'm doing next week, but until then...

That's All For Now...

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Reality Of The Apocalypse - Yes I'm Doing This Again!

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
So, two weeks ago, i said i was going to explain why the apocalyptic future is a horrible place to be, as if there was really any need to explain that...

1. Always Running Low, Or Running Away...
Simple thing about the apocalypse, no renewable resources anymore, that meat from the store, gone in a week, that internet you enjoy, that's gone too, and those showers you enjoy, those are gone too, i hope you like bathing in lakes and rivers. As for your fellow man, yeah, they're all trying to eat you kill you, or steal from you. That fantasy of being a hero of the wastes isn't as easy as it sounds, maybe when humanity gotten back on its knees you have a chance. Until the good luck...

2. A Harder Life
You will never have enough food, enough sleep, or enough ammo. It's that simple, unless you stumble upon a huge safe haven, not a government run one, those usually drop like flies, but a real safe haven, you will always be hunger, tired, and most likely fearing for your life. You will have to either learn to hunt, or learn to steal. Well unless you live in Africa, the tribal regions, life might not change too much, but if your in America like me, you're going on some long trip, and you'll have to ban together to survive. That lone wolf ideology has no room in the apocalypse .

3. Your Neighbors, Your Hunters
Simply put, when your neighbors want to eat you, and you have to run away or kill them, AND they can only be killed by destroying their head, all I can say is good luck. I would've said more about this section, but i think i'm starting to sound pompous.

In short, your doomed, that's why it's an apocalypse, it's the end of the world.  Anyways, next week i'll be talking about the zombie video game tropes i hate, yeah, i've been waiting to talk about this...

That's All For Now...

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Take On: Fear The Walking Dead Pilot

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here

Sorry, i'm a little late with this but i did say Monday or Tuesday.
The fact that this new series "Fear The Walking Dead" is instead the apocalypse as it happens unlike "The Walking Dead" which was exclusively after the outbreak, means there is so much new potential with the show, but i can't help but feel like they are saving that for the first season as a whole. While the Walking Dead's pilot did have some character development, it mainly focused on the zombies, but this show seems like right off the gate it's going to focus on the characters. I kid you not, it wasn't until the last half hour if not 15 minutes that you actually see much of the zombies. Seriously, there was only three in the first episode. But i could just be thinking about this all wrong. This is meant to be the start of the apocalypse, a slow boil is granted, but i feel like this would be more adequately described as throwing a flare into a swimming pool.

Now mind you, it did have it's moments, one character seems to get the hint that apocalypse is on it's way and tells that to his guidance counselor, one of the main characters. Then when school is let out early the next day after a strange event on the highway (in which our second zombie is finally seen and the show sets up their invulnerability) he just gives her this grim look of "I told you so" and i just loved that. Hell, when they showcased the last zombie an it gets run over twice and it's still trying to get up, that was another moment i found just great.

As for the characters, well, their trying to set up some kind of extended family that i honestly couldn't figure out completely how they were connected, but i think i'm starting to figure it out. Also, there is this interesting premise of who i think is the main character who happens to be a complete drug addict. I creates this situation in which no one believes him when he says he saw someone eating other people, and he's starting to doubt himself, it should be interesting to see where that goes in later episodes. 

Honestly, i just wished they had showcased the zombies more, because if you're going to set up the classic zombie rules, do them in the first episode or don't do them at all, either assume your audience knows these rules, or explain it to them, i don't mean flat out exposition either, one of the things this show did do well was showing without telling, except when a zombie gets shot in the head and someone yells "KILLSHOT!!" That could've been done better.

In all, it's good, it has great potential, and i just hope it achieves it by the end of this season, and that it learns from the other show's mistakes, for example, have a good season finale for more than just season one and two.

That's All For Now...

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Couple Things To Note For Season 6 Of "The Walking Dead"

I know, I know, i said I was going to the reality of the apocalypse this week, but with "Fear The Walking Dead" airing this Sunday. I figured I'd talk about what to expect for the show that's going to premiering it's sixth season in October.
By the way, major spoilers ahead, duh..

1. Tara's Death
Alright, a friend of mine and i had a debate about this, we weren't quite sure if it was Maggie or Tara who was shown about the be eaten, it took awhile, but we're pretty sure it's going to be Tara. Look at the picture above and judge for yourself, honestly, i think I'd want Maggie to live over Tara, but maybe Maggie's death would prevent Glenn from getting his face beat in by Negan, you know, fair trade, producers kill one, so they don't have to kill the other.

2. Rick and Morgan Collide
Another thing the trailer reveals, and even the posters really, show that if anything's going to happen, Rick and Morgan are going to clash, maybe not physically but ideally. The last time they met, Morgan was the one losing his mind, now Morgan probably believes Rick's gone mad, i mean, Morgan immediately sees Rick cap a guy, there's no worse reunion than that, except for maybe shooting them in the leg before they say "hi".

3. Daryl Is Left Stranded
Or something along these lines anyways. The trailer shows Daryl alone in the wilderness, in not too good a shape either. I'm just assuming he's stranded, i don't see anyone abandoning him, except for maybe that one guy that tried to kill Rick, and killed Noah, i can't remember his name, long story short, Daryl's probably going to have an episode or so devoted to himself, just like Beth... God, i really hope it doesn't end the same way.

4. The Wolves
Plain and simple they're still there, and they might be what leaves Daryl stranded, so I'm guessing Negan will have to wait a season or so began i don't see The Walking Dead tv show having 2 different antagonistic human factions at the same time.

On Monday or Tuesday I'll have a post about "Fear The Walking Dead"'s pilot, and on Friday, I'll finally get around to the reality of the apocalypse post.

That's All For Now...

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Appeal Of The Apocalypse

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here...
So, I've been thinking about this for a while and i'm trying to figure it all out.
Why do we like the apocalypse, or at least the idea of it?
Of course, I'm referring to the mainstream apocalypse, the zombie one. I'll talk about the other apocalypses in "Apocalypse How?"s
What's so appealing about the world ending around us because friends, family, and stranger alike want to eat our flesh?

1. No More Work:
With the world turned on it's head by the undead guess what, no more school, or work, or homework, or desk jobs. No more of the usual obligations and the monotony of it all.

2. Become A Hero/ Lead An Army:
The most common type of fantasy lying around today, (besides ones derived for The Lord Of The Rings) is the power fantasy, the idea of being the only one destined to save the world, to be the strongest or smartest person in existence, to be an ultimate badass. The apocalypse, with so few people and all of them stuck in the same horrible situation you are, most people take it as a perfect time to rise to the occasion and become the leader you always wanted to be. like i said though, other side next week.

3. Peace & Quiet:
You may be surrounded by undead freaks that may or may not moan when they see you, but hey, no more airplanes, no more cars, and no more motorcycles, well, okay, at least there's a lot less of them. Although, this could be a bad thing.

4. Getting Out Your Anger:
Assuming you actually know how to kill them, you should, it's simple, then now you have a horde of fleshy and brainless beings shambling around the streets to be the crap out of. There's a reason people play violent video games, it fun to obliterate a room full of things that clearly hate you and will kill you given the chance.

So the apocalypse might be fun, right? MIGHT, key word.
I'll talk about the flip side next week.
That's All For Now...

Friday, July 31, 2015

Apocalypse How Should This Go?

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here
This is going to be rather short, you see, this week i've bounced between several ideas for Apocalypse How?'s and i have no idea what to do. So i'll leave this all to you. Below there is a list of al the apocalypse ideas i have. Please post in the comments which one you would like to see next, or if you don't want to see any, or write down any ideas you have, any ways:

  • Demons
  • Contagion
  • Religion (i.e. Judgement Day)
  • Werewolves
  • Solar
  • Nuclear Winter
  • Global Warming
  • Global Freezing
  • Alien Invasion
  • World War 3 (Without Nukes)
  • Famine
  • Kryptonian Self-Destruction
  • Zombie Werewolves
  • Multiple Universe Convergence
  • Killer Clowns
  • Parasitic Mushrooms
  • Animal Uprising
  • Sun Turns Into A Black Hole
  • Cthulhu 
Well, That's All For Now...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Top 5 Best & Worst Deaths Of The Walking Dead

Hello Everyone Morbidly Deceased Here 
After my rant last week on The Walking Dead and it's inability to kill off characters in a way that makes sense in the newer seasons, I figured I'd list which deaths I actually liked, and which deaths I could've done without. If you haven't watched up to season 5 of The Walking Dead, then, uh..., what are you doing, get back! No, THERE'S SPOILERS! OKAY, fine, but don't blame me if you hurt yourself. 
Well, now that that's out of the way, let's get started, shall we, hopefully? 
Best Death #5: Lizzie 
I guess the main reason I liked this death in any way is that it's the questions that can be brought up around it. If a little girl poses a threat to what's left of society should she be put down? What if she's killed her younger sister to prove her point that zombifying is just moving on? It seems like an obvious answer until you realize that, it's still a person, a person can change, a person can learn. And well, at this point, every human life should be sacred, for there are now few of you, and one life now means that much more. A life in the apocalypse should be just valuable as a life of a person we know or love is today. But maybe I'm thinking too much into this, and people are probably going to disagree, put I just wanted to put this out there. Anyways... 
Worst Death #5: Andrea 
Can't help but be a little disappointed that she didn't become the sharpshooter that she did in the comics, but that's the least of my problems with her. "So Morbid," you might ask, "Then why is she so low on the list?" Well, simply, I didn't care about her death too much, she could have easily broken out, but didn't. There's an alternate version where she can't escape and get's eaten by Milton, but that sounds worse actually. I wouldn't wish something that bad on her, sure, she didn't kill The Governor when she very well could've, but then again, so did a lot of people. Anyways, she does at least get bitten by Milton because spent time talking to him while he was still alive instead of, I don't know, TRYING TO ESCAPE? I would've explained her situation further, but I might need to go back 1/2 a season for that, and I really hope you've seen through season 5 if you're reading this, it not then SpOiLeRs AhEaD.!.!.!. 
Best Death #4: Joe (Biker Gang Leader) 
I was kind of waiting for this moment to happen throughout the entire scene that some of Rick's group runs into that biker gang Daryl was with before he left to find Rick. This is mainly in here because of what happened in the comics, with Rick taking a bite out of a dude's throat because that man had disarmed Rick and was holding him close so he couldn't do anything, while another man tried to get at Carl. In the show it's relatively the same, just now Daryl getting the crap beat out of him and Michonne's there too. Anyways, if only more evil characters could die like this, move along... 
Worst Death #4: The Terminus Group 
This is the only one on this list that's a group, okay? I liked their deaths so much better in the comics, this one just didn't feel like they got what they deserved. They were slaughtered so gruesomely in the comics (although you don't see it, so imagination for the win I guess) that Gabriel was horrified, although he has no room to talk. Fans of the show or comics know what I mean. It seems so common that these guys don't get what they deserve, considering they ate Bob and all, but then again, don't all the villains on these shows not die the way we want? More about that later... 
Best Death #3: Hershel 
This was a decent death, it had good tension with The Governor holding him hostage and saying that if Rick didn't give up the prison he'd have to kill them. Rick says that they can just clear out a place for them in the prison, and next thing you know, The Governor's trying to chop Hershel's head off. He gets about one swing in and then Rick and the group starts firing. Hershel tries to get away and The Governor catches up to him and finishes the job. This death was gruesome and definitely perturbed me, which is part of why I liked it so much. I thought about it more than the others, and this was a great character moment for The Governor, for one of the few times he showed his brutality, which bleeds into another death later on, and it's lack of effect. 
Worst Death #3: Tyrese 
Ugh, this death was just tiring more than anything else. I couldn't find a picture of his death at the end of the episode, so here's one of his hallucinations instead. His death was annoying, if you read the last post I wrote, you'd know why. Simply, he wasn't paying attention or at least picked the wrong time to zone out. This led to a point of mine how zombies CAN NOT SNEAK UP ON YOU. At yet one managed to sneak up on Tyrese, and after that, he just sat there, hallucinating, and then the group finally found him and cut off the bitten arm. But low and behold, he still died anyway. Moving on... 
Best Death #2: Beth 
I'm surprised she actually died twice, well not on the same show, but she gets her throat slit in one, which seemed like it was used a troll to walking dead fans, and in the walking dead she gets shot in the head after stabbing the main police officer leading the group in the hospital.  Anyways, I liked her death, at least, I liked what happened around it. The police officer in charge died, Beth had sacrificed herself for Noah's freedom (which was all for naught), and Daryl showed some more character development with his reaction to it, well anyways, ONWARD!!! 
Worst Death #2: Noah 
I would've considered this a good death mainly for the shock factor (there was an incredibly gruesome photo I could've used instead) but given its timing and who I gave second best to, his death rendered Beth's useless. What didn't get about his death was that he and Glenn were trapped on one section of a rotating glass door, and a prick whose name I can't remember on the opposite section, with the zombies pushing at another section, and the one guy was able to push himself out of the door even though two people were pushing against the door to stop him. But yet, the one guy wins and Noah somehow gets pulled into the opposite side of the door and gets ripped apart. After a horrified minute, Glenn just simply escapes, so it sucks to know that Noah probably could've been saved, so AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Oh, and that idiot from before tried to kill Glenn, and yet, Glenn let him live, which I can respect, but I don't trust that guy so, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! 
Best Death: Merle 
This guy, I hated the first season, but the first time I saw him was season 2, the first season I ever started watching. And honestly, is death in season 3 was awesome, not because he died, but how he died. After being rejected by The Governor for not killing his brother Daryl, and then was rejected by Daryl because he hadn't changed one bit. So Meryl decided that he was going to kill The Governor, and he almost did, but he missed, and he suffered because of it, The Governor killed him, but didn't prevent him from turning. Which led to a great character moment for Daryl. So you know what Meryl, you may have been a bad guy, but you redeemed yourself. 
Worst Death: The Governor 
My god this one toke forever, a season late and a severed head short. So many people could've killed this guy, and yet, nothing, and he didn't even get as good of a death as he did in the comics. At least in the comics he was shot and got shoved into a zombie horde, but on the show, he gets impaled with and sword and that's about it, he even gets put out of his misery by a member of his new group. Disappointing really, and it wouldn't have been as bad if he had just died a season earlier. Let me list who could've killed him, Meryl, Michonne, Rick, Rick's old group, Milton, Andrea, and ANYONE IN WOODBURY!! Sorry done now... 
Well, there you have it, my favorite and least favorite deaths in The Walking Dead. Next week? I don't know really, maybe I'll do an apocalypse how on demons or something. 
That's All For Now...